STEM Challenge

3 Little Pigs STEM Challenge

In Week 11 of Term 1 we completed our learning about Growth Mindset and Teamwork with a STEM Challenge based on the story of The 3 Little Pigs. 

In small groups the children had the challenge of building a house for the 3 little pigs that would be strong enough to withstand the Big Bad Wolf test. The children had cardboard, tape, paper, popsicle sticks, and straws to build their houses. After initially brainstorming their ideas for houses individually, they then worked in small teams to design their house and build it. The children were very excited about testing their houses - and were told that the Big Bad Wolf would be visiting later in the week to test them. 

It was with great excitement and anticipation that the children prepared their houses for the Big Bad Wolf's visit. There were reports of the children having spotted the Big Bad Wolf all around the school that day - and there was great laughter (and a little relief) when I uncovered 'The Big Bad Wolf' which was in reality my hairdryer that I had decorated!


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